Usher Syndrome
This year the Usher Syndrome Coalition is hosting their conference online. For $50 registration fee, there is a week of sessions to choose from related to research, family updates, and young adult virtual gatherings.
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Guidelines & Resources
To support our community, OSPI is providing helpful resources about COVID-19. Visit this web page to view: ⇒ Guidance for School Districts ⇒ COVID-19 in Schools: A Parent Guide ⇒ School Closure Tracker
Described and Captioned Media Program (DCMP)
The DCMP library provides captioned and described educational video and interactive content to benefit K-12 students who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind, visually impaired, or deaf-blind. Teachers and family members can apply to
USH Blue Book
Do you want to connect with others who have Usher syndrome? Check out the USH Blue Book:
To Our Community
The Washington Deaf-Blind Project staff and consultants are working through the current COVID-19 outbreak to offer support to early intervention teams, PreK-12 educators and families. We are following guidelines and decisions made by our
Serving Children and Youth with Deaf-Blindness
NCDB is part of a network of projects for children and youth with deaf-blindness (birth through 21) that includes state deaf-blind projects in every state, as well as Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia,